

Update: There is a note on bugs at the end of the article.

Yay, I forged my first package! And I got my own PPA (personal package archive) at Launchpad!
The first package I made is based on my article on screen rotation. It contains the script itself (an improved version), the upstart script to map the keycodes and a configuration file (/etc/tablet-mode/tablet-mode.conf) to centrally configure the needed values.
Here's what You need to do if You want to use it (You need root access for most of the tasks):
  1. Add the PPA to Your sources:
    add-apt-repository ppa:fredfredfred/ppa
  2. Refresh Your package list:
    apt-get update
  3. Install the package:
    apt-get install tablet-mode
  4. As told in the message during installation, You need to take a look at the configuration file, /etc/tablet-mode/tablet-mode.conf. Either use the comments from the file or have a look at my first article on this subject to find out the values You need. The values provided in the sample should work on an HP TouchSmart tm2-1090eg notebook, You only have to uncomment the last 2 lines to enable the keycode:scancode mapping upon system start.
  5. Bind the scan codes to rotatescreen tableton and rotatescreen tabletoff, as described in the other article.
That's it! You're done!

Bugs: If You turn the screen, put it down and then hibernate Your laptop, turn the screen back and power it back on, the screen is upside down as is the tablet orientation. I will not fix this, since I cannot. Upon resuming from suspend, there is no way for me to check which position the display is in. Use the console commands rotatescreen tableton and rotatescreen tabletoff to switch between the modes manually (or use the GUI).

4 Kommentare:

  1. so i have bad news...
    i had to reinstall my windows because it crashed and wouldnt start anymore and i need MS Onenote for my study!
    today i will install my ubuntu again or try to boot it after windows overwrote my MBR...
    do you know how? or schuld i just reinstall ubuntu?

    after that i will test uhr package !! i promise!
    greetings and good work!

  2. You don't need to reinstall Ubuntu! There are good guides on how to recover Your boot loader after installing Windows in the Ubuntu online help:
    If You experience problems, You might find something here, too (the guide is pretty much the same, but there is other information):

    Good luck on that!

  3. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  4. sooo sorry for my absense but i had alot todo and im still not able to run my linux and win7 paralell... every time i think i got it, my win7 is'nt able to boot and i have no idea... i will check out an other bootloader maybe the windows one...
    sorry, but please keep ur work up!!! there r alot of people using this notebook and some of them will use ubuntu!!!

    greetings and again:
    i will try it as soon as possible!
