
Ubuntu on a tablet computer

I installed Ubuntu on my new HP TouchSmart tm2-1090eg laptop. It has a cool tablet function (including a pen). Using the pen works out-of-the-box with Ubuntu 10.04. However, using the thumb-button as a right mouse click, does not. Another flaw is that the pressure curve of the pen (the curve which describes the way the default pressure on the tablet is translated into pressure of brushes in the gimp or whatever) sucks really hard. It's like an on-off-switch, but has nothing to do with pressure. Here is how to fix both things:
  1. Fix the thumb button: Edit the file /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-wacom.conf and in the first InputClass-Section, add the Option:
    Option "Button2" "3"
  2. For the pressure curve, edit the same file and add something to the same section. Try out the following options (restarting X every time to see the effect) and choose the one You like the most:
    Option "PressCurve" "0,75,25,100" # softest
    Option "PressCurve" "0,50,50,100"
    Option "PressCurve" "0,25,75,100"
    Option "PressCurve" "0,0,100,100 # linear (default)"
    Option "PressCurve" "25,0,100,75"
    Option "PressCurve" "50,0,100,50"
    Option "PressCurve" "75,0,100,25 # firmest"
    For interested users: The numbers describe a bezier curve and You can also change the values of the options via the command-line-tool xsetwacom. By using xsetwacom, the changes take effect immediately, but will be reset upon machine reboot (or driver reload).
Another side note: I managed to get the thumb button working like in Windows (only acts as right click if held down and then pressing the pen on the screen), but I don't know how and I didn't manage to save that behavior. If You know how to do this, tell me!
That's it! You're done!

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