
Signs of life

I finally found some time to work on my Linux again!
I upgraded to the new Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty) and was reminded once more to never change a running system...
If You consider upgrading, let me tell You: My ClickPad (the touchpad) works better now (multitouch support), but that's about it.
The new Unity desktop is... well let's just say I hate it. It may be useful for the netbook users, it may be nice for people who have never seen anything else, but for me it takes away any efficiency a desktop environment ever provided me with.
So I stuck with Gnome 2 for a few days before reading that it was possible to install Gnome 3 from a PPA. My second mistake. The new Gnome is not half as finished as it may seem. As for now, it slows me down approximately by the same amount that Unity did. Window switching using the mouse takes about twice the time it did before, as does opening Pidgin from the tray. Favorite applications (the ones I put directly into the panel in Gnome 2) also take about twice the time to click. When I open the "Applications" tab in the main menu, I'm being hit in the face by a page with around 90 icons on it (totally useless if You want to find an application), until I select a category. Hotkey support is kinda broken, I cannot make my screen rotate when turning the display and key combos including the "Windows"-key don't seem to work at all.
And last but not least, gnubiff doesn't work as a panel app since there's no support for panel apps anymore. After an hour of testing, compiling and searching the internet I finally found a version of mail-notification which had SSL support.

If You own an HP TouchSmart tm2-1090eg (You will probably have the same problem on similar laptops), there's another great feature of Ubuntu 11.04: Almost guaranteed Kernel Oops during boot! The radeon module tries to dereference a NULL pointer in 3 out of 4 boot cycles, which often leads to a complete system hang. At least it's possible to get the system to boot eventually if You just keep rebooting until it works.

But enough ranting about the new Ubuntu. Here's some good news:
I ported my packages (namely cpufreq, tablet-mode and video-switcher to Natty and fixed a bug in tablet-mode on the fly! It (once more) didn't read the display identifier (e.g. LVDS1) from the config file but instead always fell back to the default (LVDS1). If You upgrade to Natty, You will

I'm not sure wether I will have time to look into the suspend/resume problem Nicolò mentioned in his comment about my last post, but I think I will manage to look into video-switcher in general. I think about including an upstart script which can cycle through the video cards once on each boot (I had the problem that both video cards were turned off sometimes, but I'm not sure if this persists in 11.04) and I started working on a GUI for the program.

I look forward to post some (hopefully good) news again soon!

3 Kommentare:

  1. YEAH! You're just in time, as I am in urgent need for help ;-).

    First of all, I am a newbie with linux and ubuntu. I installed Ubuntu 11.04 64Bit three days before. I really need to extend my monitor (dont care which kind of multiview). It seems that the intel graphics card is not able to extend via hdmi or my TV has a problem with it. Don't know. Using the dedicated graphics card with windows works like a charm, a lot better than with a ATI 4850 on my desktop. Should I buy a VGA to HDMI converter as workaround (if HDMI is not working at all even with the ATI graphics card)?

    Anyway I tried your tool to get the ATI graphics card running. Here my main problem (I ran sudo /bin/bash beforehand):
    root@Laptop-Andy:~# sudo video-switcher ded
    /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch is not write able (or You are not root)!
    Whats wrong? I will update your tools, if I find out how.

    Both cards are recognized:
    andy@Laptop-Andy:~$ lspci | grep VGA
    00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)
    01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Manhattan [Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series]

    If I tried to start the ATI control center, I got an error message stating something like "Could not initialize, is the driver installed correctly?". After that i reinstalled the driver but now there is no ATI control centre (I will try to reinstall fgrlxccce) neither is the card working. I played a little with fglrxconfig (its called something similiar) and set my X to multiview ... In the end my system was not booting. I managed to repair the /etc/X11/xorg.conf (STRG+ALT+F1 -> terminal and tried my luck with almost no bash commands known) to only one display with presumably intel as graphics gard (glx). Sorry but WHO makes a rename util which is basically unusable? I had to start an editor to be able to replace the not working xorg.conf with a backup. It may be a little pathetic but I am proud of myself anyway :-). Anyway if I run fglrxinfo this error is displayed:
    root@Laptop-Andy:~# fglrxinfo
    Speicherzugriffsfehler (translation should be: segmentation fault; sr but i was bored and switched to German translation)

    Any suggestions what's best to do next? My goal is to get HDMI output working, don't care with which graphics card.

    You stated, that multitouch is working? On my laptop it isn't (e.g. scrolling is not working if i press with one finger and try to scroll with an another).

  2. Well I am pretty sure I found out why I can't switch with vgaswitcheroo as there is no "/sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/".

  3. re hy ^^

    the rotation screen is not working with you ppa

    the msg error :

    warning: output not found; ignoring
    warning: output not found; ignoring
    while executing
    "exec xrandr --output $string_display --rotate $xrandr_rotate"
    (procedure "rotate" line 24)
    invoked from within
    "rotate 0"
    invoked from within
    ".deg.0 invoke"
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
    "uplevel #0 [list $w invoke]"
    (procedure "tk::ButtonUp" line 22)
    invoked from within
    "tk::ButtonUp .deg.0"
    (command bound to event)

    i change the ecran in my home from "lvds1" by "lvds2"
    but is not working
